

Friday, May 25, 2012

Grace's Speech!

Grace, Big Jules, Grace's little Jules and Natalia and Natalia's Jules!


Did you know that teddies could talk? Well I have a teddy that talks. 

Julia is a doll with a red hat and her hair is braided in two plaits. She wears a dress that had red and white stripes all over it. The red has faded to pink because she has been washed so many times. She wears green shoes and she has a white body. 

I first got Julia as a new-born baby at the hospital. I was the new born baby not Julia because she is a doll. At first her clothes and body were all bright but slowly she faded because she got washed so many times. In my whole lifetime mum has bought 3 Julia's because they go threadbare and I can't use them. Julia is my favourite doll. I have a bigger Julia that is as tall as my waist. She is exactly the same but only bigger than the other Julia. I got her for my 5th birthday.

Every night before I go to sleep my mum comes into my room to give me a cuddle. I ask her to make Julia talk. She usally says yes. Sometimes she talks about Julia smelling bad. I reckon she smells bad after she has been in the washing Machine but Mum disagrees. When I went to the dentist I took Julia with me because I was a little worried about getting a filling. Thankfully I didn't need one then. When I got home mum made Julia talk. She said, "why did I not get my teeth checked?" I said you do not have teeth Julia. 

Now you know that teddies can talk, try it out!

Note from a very biased mother!
I'm so proud of Grace of getting up in front of her class to do her speech and then making the top four in her class. This meant that she now had to perform her speech in front of the school. So proud of Grace for getting up there and being able to hear her from the back. Grace didn't place in the  junior section of the speeches but she did soo well. Well done Grace for giving it a go!

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